Wednesday, December 22, 2004

How to vote tactically

Clearly the above list is not comprehensive but covers the main areas I have identified as reasons for tactical voting. The ways in which people can achieve their aims are many in terms of tactical voting but the three main ones are:

1. voting for an acceptable (or less unacceptable) party who is in second place where you would not have voted at all or the party you would normally vote for is likely to come third or worse;

2. choosing to register your vote in an area where your vote could have a greater effect than in the normal area you would vote in. Obviously this only affects a minority of people who can choose where their vote is registered (e.g. students, proxy, foreign voters?).

3. Vote pairing - arranging with another person in a different constituency that you vote for the result they want in your constituency while they do the same in theirs - generally where both of you have no chance of your chosen party winning in your own constituencies.